Error messages
Openview: on-screen error messages.
You can clear these from your mobile phone.
- Dial the number on your mobile phone *120*6843*1#
- Select option 2 to clear error codes
Welcome to Openview- Activate Set Top Box
- Clear Error Codes
- Reset Parental Control PIN
- Authorised installers
- Enter your area postal code or city postal code
Please enter postal code and reply - Select 1
Welcome to Openview self-service- Clear Error Messages
- Clear Error Messages
- Select 1-4 depending on your error message
Select the error code that appears on your TV screen:- E04 or E06
- 20 or 200 – Channel not subscribed/activated
- 206 or 69 – Access Denied
- 200 – No Secure Device
- Enter your STB number
Please enter your STB number - Process completed
Please wait 5-10min for your error message to be cleared.
Thank you.
*SMS charged at R1,50

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That’s why you need to upgrade your old NDS decoder
OVHD – Is your STB software up to date
Learn more about Open view OVHD.
Morning, my Elsat decoder is showing smart card invalid E02 . What can I do to clear the error code
hi did u get an answer to this problem/error 02. how was it solved I am facing the same problem
Open View Support
For further help, WhatsApp 082 966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
I’ve been asking for help it’s been a week since m trying to clear the code m even trying on WhatsApp but no reply
Open View Support
For further help, WhatsApp 082 966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
If the assistance does not respond we can not do anything.
Error 69 on ovd,why and how to fix
Hi there please kindly assist me ,my TV is showing No valid secure Device is found
Error 155 on whatsapp service
Pls assist to clear error 200
Hi does Opv decoder expire?
If you are using Openview STB models:
KSTB 2184
KSTB 2143
Check to make sure you are on the latest software version and if not, follow the steps to upgrade your STB software.
I have tried several times to clear the E04 code, it say execution time out after I have entered my STB code, my code is 33***8, please assist.
It was an OpenView problem. Now the signal should be ok.
How can i fix E04 error message on my decoder?
If you get error E04 on the screen, you will need to reactivate the decoder or clear the error:
1 Go to channel 100.
2 Dial the number (*120*6843*1#) on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen using a cell phone.
3 Select option 2 to cleat error codes and follow prompts.
I have try it many time but nothing happened
For further help, WhatsApp 082966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
How can I clear error 200 on my OVHD?
Hi. MY decoder date is 01/01/1970. i have tried reboot. factory reset. does not work. tried a different decoder it works fine. signal on different decoder 100%. on my decoder 0% WHY. How can i reset it plz
It could be faulty.
Also have error 155 now when I want to clear error 200. This is terrible one phone over and over and every timeb same story. There must be better ways & hands on service to deal with this.
Good day
Can you please help me with my openview, on the screen says “smartcard have expired” what can i do?
If you get error E06 on the screen, (E06) – Card is not authorised (20) – Channels not subscribed, you will need to reactivate the decoder or clear the error:
1. Go to channel 100.
2. Dial the number (*120*6843*1#) on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen using a cell phone.
3. Select option 2 to cleat error codes and follow prompts.
For further help, WhatsApp 082966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
And how about the error code E04 problems coz I have several tried the number *120*6843*1# to no success
For further help WhatsApp 082 966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
I have error code E04 on my screen. When I dial self help USSD code, there is no selection for code E04. What now?
It was an Openview problem. Now the signal should be ok.
I have tried activating and it say successful and also tried clearing the error code using my phone. I have spent almost R100 trying to activated the decorder. Pls help.
Go to the support page
Or for further help WhatsApp 082 966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
Error 04 appeared on screen however no selection option for Error 04 on self service option
It is likely a signal problem.
If it is not a signal problem, the errors can be cleared by following the procedure on this page
Did they help you I’m facing the same problem
Hi, I have error message E04. Unable to get through on *128*6843*1#, or either of the help numbers. Is there anyone there? No response to a whatsapp text as well.
We are sorry if WhatsApp is not responding but it is not up to us.
On the support page you can find help. Or contact an Openview installer near your home.
However you have to dial the number *120*6843*1# from your mobile
I am getting an E155 error when clearing all errors after using my ussd and stb number.
Trying to clear E04 error. Tried to reset passwords, reactivate decoder and try to clear error messages.
Error E04 not even an option to select. Have to type it in then it appears on the second try. After clearing I get error 155. And decoder still blocked.
Hi, my Open view is not showing the pictures but I can hear the sound n voices but not clearly its cutting n the screen is showing rainbow colours what should be the problem.
We cannot know. It could be bad weather. If the problem persists, contact an > Openview installers near me.
I get error code 200 no valid secure device. Then when I go through the process over text and after entering my stb number it says this process cannot be completed E155
Call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843 or WhatsApp 082 966 6429.
Hi I have a error code 200..iv tried to call n SMS your number keeps saying ul are not available
STB 31….59
If the service is not available, there is nothing we can do about it.
Call the Openview Call Centre.
Please assist; my decoder is displaying a “No Channel”
Error. How do I go about this?
Hi, try reading this support article.
If you can’t solve the problem, please call Openview call center.
Open View Support
ERROR E11 Security Problem. Please call customer Centre.
My decoder has an STB Nr : 2378… and is displaying the above ERROR message on the TV screen. I am only able to view Channel 100. Is this decoder still being supported if so how should I resolve this problem.
Hi, call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843 or WhatsApp 082 966 6429.
Hi I’m looking for software for ovhd decoder DSD439 firmware must be b01can be for usb load or via programming tool in bin.or hex format
Thanks in advance
Hello, i’m experiencing a problem with my my OVHD openview decoder: on my screen it shows “Error message E11 security problem, please contact customer care center”.
So what should i do? I phoned, nothing happened and i was one of your first customers when you launched. Now that you’ve upgraded you decided that we dont matter anymore… yet we bought it first, now we sitting with no tv stations to watch, not even sabc is working on our tv, and yet we spend R300 on the OVHD DECODER ALREADY! NOW YOU EXPECT WE MUST BUY A NEW ONE, WHICH COST R600 ALREADY, WHICH WE DONT HAVE AND IF WE MUST BUY ONE, THAN IT MEANS WE ACTUALLY SPENDING R900 ON OVHD DECORDERS, WHICH ITS TOTALLY UNFAIR, AND YET WE WHERE YOUR FIRST CUSTOMERS! INSTEAD OF DOING A TRADE IN AND A R300 FEE FOR YOUR NEW UPGRADED OVHD DECODER THAT WHAT YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO… SO WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH OUR DECODER, NOTHING IS WRONG WITH IT, MUST WE THROW IT IN THE BIN A R300 Thing that we bought because of you? which we shouldnt have bought in the first place, because see what is happening to us now… which you are entirely to be blamed for! So give me a solution to my problem please, im waiting for your reply and please dont ignore me like you’re used to doing when this question comes up
Hi, we’re sorry about your situation. This website offers information about OVHD services but is not directly affiliated with them. Follow this link to find the OVHD support contacts.
Why does OVHD claim to have a whattsapp number you can use if they never open the messages or make any effort to asstist???????????????
How do I remove that envelope from my screen if I have no idea what code to use as that envelope has no code for me to use the self service option!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to call the Openview Call Center 0861 696 843.
need to clear E06 on my decortder
Follow the instructions on this page.
hi admin if your ovhd is connected to a dish that is installed for dstv will u loose signal when the dstv service is disconnected?
I tried sailing the number to get rid of an error code but it doesn’t want to accept my postal code
Hi, try to call the Openview Call Center 0861 696 843.
Stb 3146620***** fix error 200
Hi, on this page, ovhd error 200, find information on how to solve the problem.
I cannot register my STB via USSD: it doesn’t seem to accept my postal code.
Surely there must be a way to proceed passed this point?
Hi, WhatsApp 082 966 6429 or call the Openview Call Centre 0861 696 843.
My decoder showing code 67 please help
Why is LM Radio removed from OVHD?
What area code must i use, it does not accept my code? Is there a general one v limpopo?
Hi, try typing the name of your area on Google and search for a four digit “area code”. If it doesn’t work, try checking the Post Office South Africa postal codes